Our Partners
[su_quote url=”https://housingnothandcuffs.org/endorse”]We endorse the campaign for Housing Not Handcuffs. We agree that in order to end the crisis of homelessness, the criminalization of homelessness must end immediately. All persons experiencing homelessness should instead have access to affordable housing, education, health care, employment, income, and other opportunities and services that allow all to live with dignity. These are the only solutions to the crisis of homelessness from a moral, legal, fiscal, and policy perspective.[/su_quote]
Join the Campaign
The Housing Not Handcuffs Campaign has been endorsed by many organizations and individuals across the country
Public Officials
- The Honorable Eric Holder, former U.S. Attorney General
- Barbara Poppe, Former Executive Director of the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness
- Syracuse Mayor Ben Walsh
- Bridgeport City Council Member Scott Burns
- Metolius City Council Member Candy Canga
- Vermont State Representative Martin LaLonde
- NYC Council Member Stephen Levin
- Salt Lake County Mayor Ben McAdams
- Seattle City Council Member Mike O’Brien
- Spokane City Council Member Kate Burke
- Vancouver City Council Member Ty Stober
- City of Tallahassee Commissioner Gil Ziffer
- Klamath Falls Ward 1 City Councilor Phil Studenberg
- Karen Lash, Former Executive Director, White House Legal Aid Interagency Roundtable
- Sarasota City Commissioner Shelli Freeland Eddie
National Organizations
- National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty*
- National Coalition for the Homeless*
- Way Home America
- Amnesty International USA
- Center for Social Innovation
- COGUM Global
- Colchester Creek
- C0alition for Juvenile Justice (National)*
- Community Solutions
- Family Promise (National)*
- Funders Together to End Homelessness (National)*
- The Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (National)
- Grassroots Leadership
- Justice in Aging (National)
- Justice Revival Kairos: The Center for Religions, Rights and Social Justice at Union Theological Seminary (National)
- League of United Latin American Citizens
- National Alliance to End Homelessness*
- National Center for Housing and Child Welfare
- National Center for Lesbian Rights
- National Center for Transgender Equality
- National Coalition for a Civil Right to Counsel*
- National Coalition for Legislation on Affordable Water
- National Council of Jewish Women
- National Economic & Social Rights Initiative
- National Fair Housing Alliance
- National Health Care for the Homeless Council*
- National Housing Conference
- National Housing Law Project
- National Juvenile Justice Network
- National Legal Aid and Defender Association
- National LGBTQ Task Force
- National Low Income Housing Coalition*
- National Network for Youth*
- National Network to End Domestic Violence
- NETWORK Lobby for Catholic Social Justice (National)
- Poor People’s Economic Human Rights Campaign
- Poverty & Race Research Action Council (National)
- Poverty Matters
- Sargent Shriver National Center on Poverty Law
- SchoolHouse Connection (National)
- Southern Poverty Law Center Action Fund
- StandUp For Kids (National)
- The Salvation Army, National Headquarters
- Transitions Clinic Network
- True Colors Fund
- US Human Rights Network
- Woodhull Freedom Foundation (National)
State, Regional and Local Organizations
- a Bigger Vision, LLC (Indianapolis, IN)*ACTS
- ACLU of Colorado (Denver, CO)
- CLU of Hawai’i (Honolulu, HI)
- ACLU of Mississippi (Jackson, MS)
- ACLU of Northern California (Sacramento, CA)
- ACLU of Oregon (Portland, OR)
- ACLU of Southern California (Los Angeles, CA)
- ACLU of Vermont (Montpelier, VT)
- ACTIONN (Reno, NV)
- AdvocatesROC ( Kalamazoo, MI)
- Alaska Poor People’s Campaign (AK, Alaska)
- Ali Forney Center (New York, NY)
- Allard K. Lowenstein International Human Rights Clinic (New Haven, CT)
- Anchorage Coalition to End Homelessness (Anchorage, AK)
- Aura Venia (Keewatin, MN)
- Austin Democratic Socialists of America (Austin, TX)
- ArchCity Defenders (Saint Louis, MO)
- Arise 2 Destiny Restoration Center (Guasti, CA)
- Baltimore Area Faces of Homelessness Speakers’ Bureau
- Barrier Free Living (New York, NY)
- BeLoved Asheville ( Asheville, NC)
- Bike Party (Eugene, OR)
- Bill Wilson Center (Santa Clara, CA)
- Blacks in Government – Heritage Chapter (DC)
- BronxWorks (NY)
- Burrito Brigade (Eugene, OR)
- California Homeless Youth Project*
- Cannibis Safety First LLC (Hilliard, OH)
- Cape Haven, Inc (Auburn, NY)
- Care for the Homeless (New York, NY)
Care for the Homeless Consumer Advisory Board (New York, NY)
Caridad ( Las Vegas, NV)
Catholic Worker House (San Antonio, TX)
Centre County Housing Authority (Bellefonte, PA)
Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice (Cambridge, MA)
Cherished Angels (Philadelphia, PA)
Chicago Anti Eviction Campaign
Chicago Area Fair Housing Alliance
Chicago Coalition for the Homeless*
Chico ACLU (Chico, CA)
Citizens Education & Advocacy (Roseburg, OR)
Civil Liberties Defense Center (Eugene, OR)
Coalition on Homelessness (San Francisco, CA)
Collective Action for Safe Spaces (DC)
Colorado Coalition for the Homeless (Denver, CO)
Community Access (New York, NY)
Community Compassion Outreach Program of Durango Christian Church (Duragno, CO)
Community Empowerment Fund (Chapel Hill, NC)
Community Renewal Society (Chicago, IL)
Community Revitalization Economic Diversity Of Las Vegas (Las Vegas, NV)
Community Shelter Board (Columbus, OH)
Community Solutions (NY)*
Continuum Care Consulting (North Port, FL)
Cornerstone Community Outreach (Chicago, IL)
County of Santa Clara Adult Probation Department (Santa Clara, CA)
Crossmark LLC (Greenwich, CT)
Cup of Cool Water (Spokane, WA)
DC Human Rights City Alliance (Washington, DC)
DC Law Students In Court (Washington, DC)
Denver Homeless Out Loud (Denver, CO)
Denver Relief Consulting (Denver, CO)
Detroit Action Commonwealth* (Detroit, MI)
Disability Rights Maryland
Dover Interfaith Mission for Housing (Dover, DE)
Duke Coalition for Alleviating Poverty (Durham, NC)
East Bay for Everyone (Oakland, CA)
Elder Law and Disability Rights Center (Santa Ana, CA)
Eric S. Louttit/Attorney at Law (N.Clarendon, VT)
Eugene Catholic Worker (Eugene, OR)
Eugene Human Rights Commission (Eugene, OR)*
Eugene Springfield Solidarity Network (Jobs With Justice) (Eugene, OR)
Fair Housing Justice Center (Long Island City, NY)
Family Tree House Assisted Living (Greenville, NC)
Family Assistance and Resource Center Group (Lebanon, OR)
Florida Alliance for Consumer Protection
Florida Harm Reduction Initiative
Florida Homelessness Action Coalition
Florida Legal Services, Inc.
Four Freedoms Forum (Honolulu, HI)
Fox House (New York, NY)
Fund for Empowerment (Phoenix, AZ)
FuseChange (Portland, OR)
Galen Gardens, Inc. (Santa Rosa, CA)
GAPIMNY (New York, NY)
God’s People Helping People, Inc. (Reeders, PA)
Gravity Podcast ( San Francisco, CA)
Greater Cincinnati Homeless Coalition*
Harvard Law School Homelessness Coalition (MA)
Harvard Legal Aid Bureau (MA)
Health Care for the Homeless (MD)
Heartland Alliance (Chicago, IL)
Hearts Full of Grace Inc. (Virginia Beach, VA)
Helping Hands Development Center, Inc. (Wilmington, DE)
HerStory Ensemble (DE)*Homeless & Hungry
Homeless Advocacy Project
Homeless & Housing Coalition of Kentucky
Homeless Persons Representation Project, Inc. (Baltimore, MD)
Homeless Rights Advocacy Project (Seattle, WA)
Homeless Services Consortium of Dane County (Dane County, WI)
Homeless Services United (New York, NY)
Homeless Union of Greensboro (Greensboro, NC)
Homeless Voices of Redding
Homeless Youth Law Clinic (Portland, OR)
Hope 4 Restoration (Anaheim, CA)
House of Hope (West Warwick, RI)*
House the Homeless Inc. (Austin, TX)*
Housing Alliance of Pennsylvania (PA)
Housing Opportunities for People Everywhere (Providence, RI)
Human Rights Advocates (Berkeley, CA)
Human Services Campus (Phoenix, AZ)
Human Service News and Information TV Program (Cambridge, MA)
International Association of Young Adults (Charlotte, NC)
I Am My Brother’s Helper, Inc (Waukegan, IL) - Inner City Law Center (CA)
Interactive Resource Center, (Greensboro, NC)
Jesse’s Homeless Outreach Project (New Haven, CT)
Justia Agenda-Fordham University (NY)
Kids First Project (Portland, OR)
La Casa Norte (Chicago, IL)
Law Foundation of Silicon Valley (CA)
Law Office of Carol Sobel (Santa Monica, CA)
Law Office of William Kennedy (Elk Grove, CA)
Lawrence Community Shelter (Lawrence,KS)
Legal Aid Service of Broward County, Inc.
Let’s Rock & Roll & Change the World Inc. (Wichita, KS)
Life House, Inc. (Duluth, MN)
LightHouse Community Center (Lynchburg, VA)
Lincoln Park Community Services (Chicago, IL)
Loaves and Fishes Community (Duluth, MN)*
Los Angeles Community Action Network (LA CAN)
Low Income Housing Institute (WA)
Martin & Mack LLP (Arcata, CA)
Massachusetts Coalition for the Homeless (Lynn, MA)
Mercy Housing Lakefront (Chicago, IL)
Mercy Junction Justice & Peace Center (Chattanooga, TN)
Metro Atlanta Task Force for the Homeless, Inc.*
MFY Legal Services, Inc. (New York, NY)
Mid-America Advocates
Mind Over Matter
Miriam’s House
Mission in Citrus Inc. (Crystal River, FL)
Montgomery County Coalition for the Homeless (MD)
Nazareth Housing Inc. (New York, NY)
New Ground Inc. (New York, NY)
New Jersey Coalition to End Homelessness
New Jim Crow Movement (Jacksonville, FL)*
New Jim Crow Movement (Vallejo, CA)
New Mexico Center on Law and Poverty (Albuquerque, NM)
Ninth Circuit Public Defender (Charleston, SC)
North Houston Saints Football & Spirit Teams
Office of Homeless Services, City of Philadelphia
Open Table Nashville
Operation Nightwatch – Portland
Orange County Poverty Alleviation Coalition (Orange County, CA)
Osborne Association (Brooklyn, NY)
Parable of the Sower Intentional Community Cooperative (Jacksonville, FL)*
Pasco County Housing Authority (Dade City, FL)
People for Bonnie Lane
People for Fairness Coalition
People Helping People Ministry and Outreach (San Diego, CA)
Peoples’ Institute for Housing Justice (Chicago, IL)
Picture the Homeless
Poly-Connection (Greenbrook, NJ)
Positive Tomorrows (Oklahoma City, OK)
Project Renewal, Inc. (New York, NY)
Propel Foundation, Inc. (DC)
Providence House Inc. (Brooklyn, NY)
Public Justice Center (Baltimore, MD)Rahlowtisity*
Rankin & Taylor PLLC (New York, NY)
Refuge Ministries of Tampa Bay/International
Release Aging People in Prison (New York, NY)
Rick Vanstory Resource Center (Wilmington, DE)
Root & Rebound (Oakland, CA)
Sacramento Regional Coalition to End Homelessness*
Sacred Heart Community Service (San Jose, CA)
Safer Foundation (Chicago, IL)
Safety Net Activists (New York, NY)
San Antonio Catholic Worker Community (San Antonio, TX)
San Diego Housing Emergency Alliance (CA)
Saint Francis Homeless Challenge (San Francisco, CA)
Santa Clara University – International Human Rights Clinic (CA)
Sarah Farash Consulting
Save Us Now Inc. (Washington, DC)
Share Hope USA (CA)
Signs of Providence (Providence, RI)
Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing
Southern Legal Counsel (FL)*
Spark of Hope (Margate, FL)
Stanford Housing Justice (Stanford, CA)
St. Johns County Legal Aid ( St. Augustine, FL)
St. Joseph Services (Chicago, IL)
Street Democracy ( Detroit, MI)
Street Sense (Washington, DC)*
Street Sheet (San Francisco, CA)
Teen Living Programs (Chicago, IL)
TENAC (DC Tenants’ Advocacy Coalition (Washington, DC)
Terrapin Studio (Whittier, NC)
The Creative Change Project (Indianapolis, IN)
The Episcopal Church of Saints Andrew and Mathew (Wilmington, DE)
The Ethical Capitalism Group (New York, NY)
The Institute for Family Health (New York, NY)
The Kearney Center (Tallahassee, FL)
The Osborne Association (Brooklyn, NY)
The Public Interest Law Project (Oakland, CA)
The Talking Drum Incorporated*
Think Dignity (San Diego, CA)
Tolentine Zeiser (Bronx, NY)
University of Mary Washington Homelessness and Human Rights Research Group (VA)
Union for the Justice Laura Marx (Fort Meyers, FL)
Unitarian Universalist Service Committee (Cambridge, MA)
Uptown People’s Law Center (Chicago, IL)
Urban Justice Center (New York, NY)
Urban Pathways (New York, NY)
Urban Upreach (Antioch, CA)
Vermont Workers Center
Virginia Supportive Housing (Chesapeake, VA)
Vivian’s Angels (Atlanta, GA)
Waking the Village: Tubman House (Sacramento, CA)
Washington County Democratic Party (Johnson City, TN)
Washington Legal Clinic for the Homeless ( DC)*
Welcome Home Coalition (Portland, OR)
Western Center on Law & Poverty (CA)
Western Regional Advocacy Project (OR, CO, CA)*
YIMBY Action (San Francisco, CA)
Young Women’s Freedom Center (San Francisco, CA)
YouthCenter (Seattle, WA)
Law Enforcement/Criminal Justice Professionals
Law Enforcement Action Partnership
- Former Assistant U.S. Attorney Chiraag Bains
- Former Security Officer Dean Becker (United States Air Force)
- Deputy Chief Stephen Downing (Ret.) (LAPD)
- Chief Deputy Matthew Fogg (Ret.) (U.S. Marshals Service)
- Maj. Neill Franklin (Ret.) (Baltimore and Maryland State PDs)
- Officer Brian Gaughan (Ret.) (Davenport, IA and IL PDs)
- Lt. Commander Diane Goldstein (Ret.) (Redondo Beach PD)
- Former Police Corporal Tim Hitt (Monroe, LA PD)
- Colonel Ed Jackson (Ret.) (Baltimore PD)
- Senior Patrol Officer Tim Johnson (Ret.)
- Former Patrol Officer Jerry Kaczmarek (New Orleans PD)
- Officer Shelley Fox-Loken (Ret.) (State of Oregon)
- Former Police Corporal Corey Lowe (Clarkson, GA PD)
- Judge Gordon McAllister (Ret.) (District Court of Tulsa, OK)
- Former Officer and Sheriff’s Deputy Carrie Roberts (Colorado Dept. of Corrections)
- Lt. Tony Ryan (Ret.) (Denver PD)
- Chief Norm Stamper (Ret.) (Seattle PD)
- Sgt. Carl Tennenbaum (Ret.) (San Francisco PD)